Video Advertising

The way we watch video content has changed. Thanks to dynamic content platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and the rise of vloggers, we are able to deliver your video content in multiple environments and devices simultaneously.

Utilizing a wide array of targeting options, in-video content, overlays and post-video options, GRG creates highly targeted and trackable video campaigns for users throughout the conversion funnel.

Our team is ready to help you get a competitive advantage by creating video ads that will increase your brand’s reach, build and sustain loyalty, and keep your audience informed.

Using in-house and platform-based intelligence tools lets us customise the best-performing ad formats and non-video content, identify the most engaged audience segments, and make informed decisions on campaign optimization based on the brand’s core business goals.

Each brand is unique, and our digital marketing teams develop strategies specific to each one, matching platforms and channels with the campaign goals, budgets and timelines.

Powered by smart Al Algorithms, our approach allows you to maximise your ROAI.

GRG’s deep insights and data-rich reporting provides feedback you can use to assess the effectiveness of your video content and understand how your audience segments engage with different content depending on where they are in the conversion funnel.